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Everyone needs a bit of inspiration and support to manage everyday life. Below, you will find all the courses organised by Sit. We also offer courses and lectures for entire groups upon request. You can choose from our portfolio, or we can tailor something to meet your specific needs. Please note! Most courses are conducted in Norwegian only - check the course description before signing up.
Student Economy
1.5 hours - NB! This course is only offered in Norwegian
How to survive on a student loan?
Body project
4 days, 1 hour each time - NB! This course is only offered in Norwegian
We are often exposed to images of seemingly successful women promoting a body ideal that is unrealistic and unhealthy for most. Body Project is a program where young women can work together to develop a positive body image for themselves and others. Body dissatisfaction and concerns related to body image are common among young women.
Book courses and lectures for your students
NB! Most courses are offered in Norwegian only.
We offer courses and lectures for entire classes/student groups by request. You can choose from our portfolio, or we can tailor something to fit your needs.
Coping with depression
6 days, 2.5 hours each time + 2 follow-up sessions-NB! This course is only offered in Norwegian
Does sadness and depression affect your quality of life?
Exam boost, Ålesund
45 minutes -NB! This course is only offered in Norwegian
Every exam period, Sit organizes Exam Boost!
Get-Started group
6 weeks
Do you want to start exercising in a good and safe way? Join our next Get-Started training group this spring.
Gutta prater (The boys talk)
Trondheim: 5 afternoons x 3h (every other week) / Ålesund: Meeting times as needed - NB! This course is only offered in Norwegian
Gutta prater is a discussion group for male students who want to talk about the ups and downs of life together with others.
Master course (digital group meetings)
2 hours per week throughout the entire semester
This is the group for those who struggle to get started, make progress, and finish the master's thesis.
4 days, 2 hours each time
Would you like to be more present in your own life?
3 hours physical attendance/ 2 hours digital attendance
Are you someone who takes the most joy in completing a task? Do you sometimes forget to enjoy the work process?
Presentation techniques
3 hours, 3 days, NB! This course is only offered in Norwegian
The course for those who want to become more clear, confident, and precise in presentations.
6 days 3 hours each time + 1 follow-up meeting - NB! This course is only offered in Norwegian
Do you want to get to know yourself better while getting support from a group? This is a free conversation group where you will receive help and support to tackle life. The topics of conversation are decided by the group.
Smalltalk and networking
3 hours
For you that want to become more secure in situations that require smalltalk.
Sorg- og livsmestring (Grief and life coping)
8 weeks, 1,5 hours each time -NB! This course is only offered in Norwegian
Have you experienced a death that you need help processing?
Speak Up
Trondheim: 3 classes at 3h
Do you experience intense discomfort, such as shaking, sweating, and blushing, when speaking in front of a group? Does this negatively impact your daily life?
Surviving the Norwegian winter
2 hours - NB! This course is only offered in english
The winter time of the year in Norway can be a challenge and a great transition from what you are used to, but don’t worry, we are here for you! Join us for a fun and social evening where you get helpful advise on how to get the most out of this season by taking care of your mental and physical wellbeing. Meet other international students, get some insight into activities and organizations you can join, helpful tips on how to approach and get to know the peculiar Norwegian, quiz with great prices and light Norwegian refreshments! This is an evening you don’t want to miss out on!
Tankevirus (Thought virus)
3 days, 2 hours each time -NB! This course is only offered in Norwegian
This course is for those who want to participate in a useful and fun program where you will learn how your thoughts and attention affect your mood and actions.
Time and stress management
Physical attendance, 2 hours each time + 2 follow-up sessions/ digital attendance 1,5 hours
Get tips on how to change your time priorities and get a better work / life balance.
Time management
1 day x 2 hours / 2 days x 3 hours - NB! This course is offered in Norwegian only
Do you want to take better control of your time?