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  3. Surviving the Norwegian winter

Surviving the Norwegian winter




Mastery course

The winter time of the year in Norway can be a challenge and a great transition from what you are used to, but don’t worry, we are here for you! Join us for a fun and social evening where you get helpful advise on how to get the most out of this season by taking care of your mental and physical wellbeing. Meet other international students, get some insight into activities and organizations you can join, helpful tips on how to approach and get to know the peculiar Norwegian, quiz with great prices and light Norwegian refreshments! This is an evening you don’t want to miss out on!

Course information

  • Duration: 2 hours - NB! This course is only offered in english

  • Places: 50

  • Price: Free

Course leaders

  • Inger er utdannet sykepleier med videreutdanning i veiledning og coaching. Inger har lang erfaring fra å jobbe med samtaler og mestring, både individuelt og i gruppe. Hun har tidligere arbeidet som karriereveileder.
