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Time and stress management





Mastery course

Get tips on how to change your time priorities and get a better work / life balance.

Course information

  • Duration: Physical attendance, 2 hours each time + 2 follow-up sessions/ digital attendance 1,5 hours

  • Places: 12

  • Price: Free

  • Procrastination - what is it and what can I do to stop it?
  • Motivation
  • Work habits, multitasking and self-discipline
  • Learn about stress and its sources
  • Apply effective techniques to overcome negative effects of stress
  • Learn about time management techniques and how to prioritise
  • Connect with others and share experiences

Course leaders

  • Øyvind is a counselor and has several years' experience in educational management and student welfare in Sit. He is at Kindergarten teacher and has taken further education in pedagogical guidance. He is genuinely committed to students' mastery both in their studies and life. Øyvind holds mastery courses for international students and has talks with students on several campuses.
