Mastery course
Are you someone who takes the most joy in completing a task? Do you sometimes forget to enjoy the work process?

Course information
Duration: 3 hours physical attendance/ 2 hours digital attendance
Places: 30
Price: Free
Course leaders
Sophie Tønneberg, studentmedarbeider
Sophie studerer kjemiingeniør bachelor, og har erfaring fra verv i Ingeniører Uten Grenser NTNU. Her jobbet hun i kursgruppa, og arrangerte interne kurs for medlemmene. I tillegg har Sophie pedagogisk erfaring fra undervisning av barn og unge.
Ida Marie Grefsgård Mannsverk, studentmedarbeider
Ida studies psychology and has previous experience from positions held in Psykolosjen, Student Peace Prize and UKA. She also has experience in communication, organization and recruitment from her time as a teaching assistant and seminar leader at NTNU.