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Body project


Mastery course

We are often exposed to images of seemingly successful women promoting a body ideal that is unrealistic and unhealthy for most. Body Project is a program where young women can work together to develop a positive body image for themselves and others. Body dissatisfaction and concerns related to body image are common among young women.

Course information

  • Duration: 4 days, 1 hour each time - NB! This course is only offered in Norwegian

  • Places: 8

  • Price: Free of charge. A no-show fee of NOK 400 will be applied if you fail to attend without notice.

The Body Project has proven effective over many years and in multiple countries in improving body dissatisfaction and concerns related to body image. Additionally, research has shown that the Body Project not only has a preventive effect but can also alleviate symptoms in those who have developed an eating disorder. Read more about the Body Project concept here: Body Project.

The course consists of 8 participants per group, meeting for one hour per week over four weeks. This is an interactive course with group discussions and assignments.

The groups are led by two facilitators with a healthcare background. Every third course is conducted digitally.

Course Content:

  • Personal preliminary conversation
  • Reflection on body image
  • Homework assignments between sessions

The Body Project has been a wonderful place to share my thoughts with others; it has been very beneficial!

Student 22 years

Course leaders

  • Mirjam er utdannet psykologspesialist i klinisk voksenpsykologi og jobber til daglig ved Sit Psykisk Helsetjeneste. Mirjam har lang erfaring fra å jobbe med terapi og mestring, både individuelt og i gruppe. Hun har tidligere arbeidet både ved DPS og har flere år i kommunehelsetjenesten hvor hun har drevet mestringskurs og veiledning, i tillegg til individterapi.

  • Monica er utdannet sykepleier, med videreutdanning som helsesykepleier. Hun leder kurs i Tankevirus og the body project. I tillegg jobber hun med andre helsefremmende tiltak for studenter på campus og ved helsestasjon for seksuell helse.
