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Student kindergartens

Moholt kindergarten
Here, at the top of Moholt student village, is one of the two kindergartens operated by Sit in Trondheim. We are conveniently located near campus or where you live.
Sit offers student kindergarten services in Trondheim, Gjøvik, and Ålesund. In total, we have approximately 400 places across these three cities.

Spesielt tilrettelagt for studenter

Når du får tildelt barnehageplass til ditt barn, er det hele familien som starter opp hos oss. Vi har kunnskap om barn og deres utvikling, og har lang erfaring med hvilke behov du har som student og forelder. Alle våre barnehager er sertifisert gjennom Grønn Barneby og har et bevisst fokus på miljø, kosthold og helse.

Vår pedagogikk

Sit sine barnehager har en pedagogikk basert på Reggio Emilia-filosofien. Vi ser på barn som kompetente og ønsker å legge til rette for at barns hundrespråklighet kommer til syne. Å gi barna mulighet til å være delaktige i å forme sin egen hverdag er et grunnleggende utgangspunkt for den pedagogiske tenkingen i våre barnehager. De voksne er nysgjerrige på barna og deres undring, og følger opp barnas tanker og ideer gjennom tilrettelegging av lekemiljø og ulike prosjekter.


Moholt kindergarten

In Trondheim, we operate Dragvoll and Moholt kindergartens, with approximately 250 places for children aged 0–6 years.

Moholt kindergarten is at Moholt allé 9b

Child-Centered Approach

When children and parents start at Moholt Kindergarten, they will encounter friendly educators who provide excellent care and support in everyday life, addressing both the child's development and practical assistance and guidance that parents and students may need.

The kindergarten features rooms and activities that allow children to explore and seek new knowledge. The rooms are welcoming, and the wealth of materials is always available to the children. We offer many fun and exciting spaces that encourage children to investigate, be curious, and wonder together with other children.

Culture and Language

The kindergarten has a dedicated water room, Marinen, and a large, central space called Storsalen, where children use their whole bodies in activities involving music, dance, and drama. In Storsalen, we often host concerts and theatre experiences, both from internal staff and external guests.


Moholt Kindergarten has 5 departments named after student revues: Domino, Skubidi, Filliputt, Jubalong, and Lurifax. We refer to our kindergarten as an ecological kindergarten because the building is constructed from solid wood and heated using geothermal energy. We maintain a conscious approach to waste sorting and recycling and are certified as a Green Flag (Eco-Kindergarten).


The kindergarten has its own chef who prepares porridge for breakfast every day and dinner 5 days a week. There is also a vegetable garden on the roof of the building.

Dragvoll kindergarten

Dragvoll Kindergarten caters to children aged 0–6 years, distributed across five departments. The kindergarten boasts excellent indoor facilities with many exciting rooms designed to encourage play and exploration.

Dravoll barnehage
Dragvoll kindergarten is located right next to NTNU Dragvoll campus

The kindergarten's own outdoor area features varied terrain and its own forest. Children are involved in growing their own vegetables in a garden plot we have developed on-site.

Activity and Outdoors

We are fortunate to be close to nature and do not rely on transportation to reach forests and open spaces. We frequently go on excursions where children are active and engage with nature. The kindergarten also has a wonderful outdoor department with space for 12 children aged 4–5 years.

We maintain a conscious attitude towards waste sorting and recycling and are certified as an Eco-Kindergarten with the Green Flag.


The kindergarten has its own chef who prepares oatmeal porridge for breakfast every day and dinner five days a week.

Annual Plan

Here you can find the annual plan for Dragvoll Kindergarten.


Soppen Kindergarten

Sit owns and operates Soppen Kindergarten. We have a dedicated small children's department, and the kindergarten offers approximately 36 places for children aged 0–6 years.

The kindergarten is situated in the heart of the university area at Kallerud, with easy access to NTNU, student accommodation, and the city centre. We have a large outdoor area with plenty of green space that encourages varied play and physical activity.

Good Learning Environment

At our kindergarten, we aim for each child to develop a positive self-esteem and confidence in their own abilities. We emphasise collaboration between staff and parents to create the best possible learning environment, with a focus on developing relational skills and language stimulation. The staff are committed to recognising and respecting every child, ensuring they feel seen and taken seriously, and have a say in their daily routines. This requires engaged adults who participate in play and activities on the children’s terms.

The Area

The kindergarten is located in the heart of the university area at Kallerud, with easy access to NTNU, student accommodation, and the city centre. We have a large outdoor area with plenty of green space, which encourages varied play and physical activity.


Children are provided with all their meals at the kindergarten. We start the day with porridge, serve a hot lunch, and provide fruit along with the afternoon snack. We are committed to making mealtimes enjoyable gathering points for both children and adults, providing opportunities for good conversations and reflections.


Trollhaugen Kindergarten

In Ålesund, we do not have our own kindergarten, but we have a close collaboration with Trollhaugen Kindergarten AS. This partnership allows us to offer exam guarantees here as well! You do not need to have your children enrolled at Trollhaugen to be eligible for the exam guarantee. Students are not given priority in the admissions process but can apply on the same basis as everyone else.

In Ålesund, Sit can offer you student kindergarten services through the private Trollhaugen Kindergarten.


The kindergarten is located in Gåseid in Ålesund municipality, nestled close to forest, sea, and mountains. The facility consists of two buildings and is divided into seven departments.

The kindergarten also features three sensory rooms – a white room, a black room, and an activity room.


Trollhaugen Kindergarten is inspired by the Reggio Emilia philosophy, the same pedagogy used in other Sit kindergartens.


The kindergarten has a greenhouse where children can participate in planting, growing, and caring for the plants. Additionally, the kindergarten is home to African giant snails, stick insects, and fish, which the children take care of.


Sustainability is a key concept for us, encompassing the learning to care for oneself, each other, and nature. Staff, together with the children, will explore how today’s actions can impact the future.

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