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Other support services for students

Unfortunately, the team at Sit can’t help you with everything, but we can help you navigate quicker to where you can get the right help.

Local services in:




National services

Local services in Trondheim

General practitioner (GP)

The GP or the GP office you belong to is your main contact in the healthcare system. It is recommended that you have a GP in the city where you spend most of your time.

About general practitioner

Psykisk helse, Trondheim kommune

Trondheim municipality has a number of offers for you who are having a hard time or want to learn more about how you can take care of your mental health.

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Digital drop-in

At Digital drop-in Trondheim, you can have digital consultations with healthcare professionals who offer advice, guidance, and treatment. Digital Drop-in is a free service for those who live in Trondheim municipality and are between 16 and 25 years old.

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Friskliv og mestring, Trondheim kommune

Friskliv og mestring is an offer for those who want support for changing lifestyles and better coping in everyday life. Trondheim municipality offers a customized and time-limited offer based on individual guidance and group offers.

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Substance abuse services, Trondheim kommune

Trondheim municipality has various offers in the area of ​​addiction. The reception and follow-up center (MO) in Trondheim is a free service for people who have problems with substance abuse.

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Blue Cross Norway Compass

Blue Cross Norway Compass in Trondheim offers free therapy and counselling for young people who have grown up in a home with alcohol or other substance abuse problems.

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Mental health outpatient clinic at NTNU

Therapy at this clinic is performed by advanced students at NTNU’s professional studies for psychology.

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Student guidance

The student adviser is your primary contact for questions regarding your studies, how to tackle life as a student or career matters.

Student adviser at NTNU

Student adviser at DMMH

Ombud for students

The Ombud for students is an independent and impartial person whose main function is to ensure that the higher education institution safeguards the students’ legal rights related to their studies.

Ombud for students NTNU

Ombud for students BI

Ombud for students DMMH

University chaplain and Student humanist

Need a trusted conversation partner? If so, the university chaplains or the student humanists can be the right service for you.

University chaplain in Trondheim

Student humanist in Trondheim

ROS – Consulting about eating disorders in Trøndelag

The ROS centre is a free meeting place for people who need someone to talk to when their relationship with food, body and exercise becomes a burden in everyday life.

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The Family Counselling Service

The Family Counselling Service offers free services such as couples therapy, family therapy and mediation in connection with legal separation or the breakdown of relationships.

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St. Olavs Hospital Vardesenteret

This is a free meeting place for cancer patients and their families, where you can take a break, exchange experiences and receive advice and help – electronically and face-to-face.

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Avtalespesialister Helse Midt-Norge

Contract specialists(Avtalespesialister) are self-employed practitioners who run specialist practices. These specialists are psychologists or psychiatrists with operational grants, and you only pay a co-payment. You can get a referral from your GP.

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ATV Trondheim: Alternatives to Violence

ATV in Trondheim offers individual conversations and group therapy for people who want to stop using violence as well as for people who have been exposed to violence from others.

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Nok Trondheim: Centre for victims of sexual assault

This is a free, low-threshold service for victims of sexual assault and their families.

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Local services in Gjøvik

General practitioner (GP)

The GP or the GP office you belong to is your main contact in the healthcare system. It is recommended that you have a GP in the city where you spend most of your time.

About general practitioner

Gjøvik Intermunicipal Emergency Clinic

The emergency clinic is located at the hospital in Gjøvik. The emergency clinic should be used only for acute illnesses or acute worsening of chronic conditions that cannot wait until you can contact your GP. The phone number is 116117, and the emergency clinic can also be contacted by students and other visitors who do not have a GP.

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DPS Gjøvik, Innlandet hospital

The outpatient clinic offers assessment and treatment for those struggling with moderate or severe mental health disorders.

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Young in Gjøvik, Gjøvik kommune

Ung i Gjøvik(Young in Gjøvik) is the youth department in Gjøvik municipality. They offer services including a health station where you can receive contraceptive guidance, contraceptive prescriptions, testing for sexually transmitted infections, and counseling sessions.

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Mental Health and Substance Abuse, Gjøvik kommune

Psykisk helse og rus (Mental Health and Substance Abuse) A mental health support service for individuals over 18 years old who need help and support. To receive treatment, individuals must meet certain criteria, such as impaired functioning in daily life or struggling with moderate to severe mental health problems that have persisted over time.

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Mental health Gjøvik

Mental helse Gjøvik (Mental health Gjøvik) A local branch working for increased openness, prevention of mental health issues, and better health services. They have a dedicated student helpline that is free and anonymous for those who need someone to talk to.

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Local services in Ålesund

General practitioner (GP)

The GP or the GP office you belong to is your main contact in the healthcare system. It is recommended that you have a GP in the city where you spend most of your time.

About general practitioner

Ålesund Outpatient Clinic, DPS

The outpatient clinic offers assessment and treatment for those struggling with moderate or severe mental health disorders.

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Quick mental health help, Ålesund municipality

A service for those over 16 years old with mild to moderate symptoms of anxiety, depression, or sleep problems.

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Mental health and substance abuse services, Ålesund municipality

Ålesund municipality offers a range of services for those who are struggling or experiencing issues related to substance abuse.

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Substance abuse treatment, Helse Møre og Romsdal

The Substance Abuse (TSB) outpatient clinic in Ålesund offers assessment, evaluation, and treatment for individuals struggling with substance addiction. They provide individual counseling and group therapy options, without requiring inpatient admission.

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Learning and Mastery Centre, Helse Møre og Romsdal

For those who wish to receive assistance in managing and coping with a chronic illness and making lifestyle changes to improve their health.

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Acute Home Treatment Team (AHT)

An active and outreach treatment team for individuals who do not actively seek help themselves. The team provides basic services for those with severe mental health disorders.

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Contracted Specialists, Helse Midt-Norge

Contracted specialists are independent practitioners running specialist practices. These specialists are psychologists or psychiatrists with operational grants, and you only pay a deductible. You will need a referral from your GP.

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National services


Hjelpetelefonen (The help line) is a free and anonymous service from Mental Helse for those who need someone to talk to (available 24/7).

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Phone and chat services

HelseNorge has compiled an overview of phone and chat services for those requiring someone to talk to or chat with.

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Eating Disorder Association

Spiseforstyrrelsesforeningen (The eating disorder association) is an offer for you who experience a difficult relationship with food, body and weight - regardless of diagnostic criteria.

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Jentevakta (The girl guard) is an anonymous chat and phone service for young girls and women. Talk to them about your challenges, big or small! Jentevakta has a duty of confidentiality.

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Kirkens SOS

Kirkens SOS (Church SOS) has a 24-hour crisis service on both the phone and online. They work with suicide prevention and to relieve the pain of emotional and existential crises.

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The National Association for the Bereaved by Suicide(LEVE)

LEVE works to support bereaved and those affected by suicide.

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PIO Centre: Counselling for bereaved

The PIO Centre offers counselling sessions for the bereaved, whether you are a child, sibling, partner, spouse, or simply a close study friend.

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Amathea offers information and guidance on choices related to pregnancy and abortion.

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