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How do I pay?

We have student-friendly prices for short-term treatment. You pay a user fee of NOK 200 per appointment for the first four consultations. Additional consultations are free of charge.

You can pay by card, invoice and Vipps. If you have not already paid, an invoice will be automatically sent to your registered address 48 hours after your appointment. If your registered address is different from your residential address, we recommend paying for your appointment within 48 hours.

If you need technical assistance with our payment system, please call +47 22 03 63 45.

Kontakt Sit psykisk helsetjeneste


+47 73 53 86 30


  • Trondheim: Bregnevegen 65, 7050 Trondheim.
  • Gjøvik: Helvin-bygget, rom C127, Teknologiveien 22, 2815 Gjøvik
  • Ålesund: Sit-kontorene, 2. etasjen i Sundebygget, Fogd Greves veg 7, 6009 Ålesund

Åpningstider telefon

Mandag til fredag:

  • Kl. 08.30-11.30
  • Kl. 12.30-14.30