Our rules and terms
Here you'll find all the information you need about our membership terms, code of conduct, booking rules and doping policy.
- Sit Trening is part of the Student Welfare Organisation Sit. The membership terms are part of the membership agreement between the person named in the agreement and Sit Trening, and must be approved when purchasing a membership.
- As a member, it is your duty to familiarise, follow and adhere to the rules and regulations which can be found under "Sports" on sit.no.
- We reserve the right to exclude persons who do not follow the rules and terms for using our fitness and sports facilites. In the event of a breach of conduct, we remain the right to terminate your membership contract with immediate effect, without the obligation to refund the paid membership fee.
- We reserve the right to adjust our opening hours and the access to our facilities to ensure good quality of cleaning and operations, as well as make seasonal adjustments. In special cases, some centres may be kept closed for a shorter period of time.
- All training takes place at your own risk.
- You can find the general terms and conditions for a Sit Trening gym membership here:
Terms and conditions
Code of conduct
Booking rules
We want a safe and clean training environment at our fitness- and sports centres. The points below apply to everyone who buys a membership, daily pass or guest pass in relation to campaign periods.
- Members of our fitness- and sports centers are subject to the doping rules of Antidoping Norway and the programme for “safe and doping-free gyms”.
- There is zero tolerance for bringing, using or being under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol in any of our training facilities.
- You will be denied access to our fitness- and sports centers if you are intoxicated.