Nedre Singsakerslette student village
Nedre Singsakerslette studentby is triangulated by the city centre, the Student Society in Trondheim and NTNU Gløshaugen, with the Gløshaugen sports centre as the nearest neighbour.

Resident information
Internet is included in your rent.
Read more about Sit's Internet service
Waste disposal
Waste disposal stations for ordinary waste are located between Singsakerbakken 20A and 20B, by Singsakerbakken 6, by the entrance to the garage between Singsakerbakken 2 B og 4 B, and by Korsgata 22 A. A waste disposal station for cardboard, paper, plastic, glass and metal can be found by the park in Singsakerbakken.
If you have special waste, like batteries and paint, you can contact our maintenance department and they can help you get rid of it. There is a waste disposal station for special waste by our reception in Frode Rinnans veg 1 at Moholt.
Storage room
Each apartment or shared kitchen has its own storage room in the basement of the building. Use your house key to access the storage area and storage room.
There are few parking spaces in the area near Nedre Singsakerslette student village. Parking in the courtyards between the houses in Singsakerbakken is not allowed. Parking in the area is controlled by Trondheim Parkering.
Tenants can book a parking space, either outdoors or in the parking basement at Singsakerbakken 4 B.
Bicycle parking
There are parking spaces for bicycles outside all the buildings.
Make sure your bicycle is labeled with a valid parking sticker. You can get bicycle stickers at Sit Bolig's reception.
The laundry is located in the basement of Singsakerbakken 2C (the Lucas-block). Contact Sit Boligs reception to get the code that gives access to the laundry.
The laundry can be used between 8 a.m. and 10 p.m.
General information for all student housing
Damages, defects and malfunctions
If you need to get in touch with our caretakers, or want to report a technical problem in your residence, you can submit your request online. Go to, log in to My page and select Contact us - Contact caretaker.
Services and fees
An overview of the most common services and fees
Moving, switching, subletting
Read more about moving between student villages and housings and how to sublet
Challenges as a resident
Do you find living in a shared kitchen to be challenging? Is cooperating with you neighbour difficult? Are you worried about someone you live with? Contact and we will help you.