Karinelund student village
Karinelund student village is located at Moholt and consists of two storeyed terrace houses separated by lawns, trees and walkways. Moholt student village and the Activity house is just down the road.

Resident information
You can find all the mailboxes on a rack on the wall of Brøsetvegen 159 A.
Internet is included in your rent.
Read more about Sit's Internet service
Waste disposal
Waste disposal stations are located at the big parking lot in Brøsetvegen 159 B and Frode Rinnans veg 101.
There is a recycling station for dangerous waste and glass and metal at the parking lot next to Bregnevegen 65 at Moholt student village. If you need help disposing of large items, you can request assistance from the maintenance department by logging on to bolig.sit.no and choosing "Contact maintenance" from the menu.
There are automatic fuses at Karinelund. You find the fuse box by the stairs on the first floor.
Storage room
You have access to a storage room located in the stairway. Two shared kitchens shared each storage room.
There are a limited number of parking spaces availble (see map). As a resident you can rent a parking space in the Moholt area. You can only park at designated areas. You will be fined by Trondheim municipality's parking authority (Trondheim Parkering) if you park without permission.
Bicycle parking
There are storage rooms for bicycles at the short end of the building.
Make sure your bicycle is labeled with a valid parking sticker. You get bicycle stickers from Sit Bolig's reception and at the Activity house at Moholt.
The laundry is located at Moholt allmenning 10.
General information for all student housing
Damages, defects and malfunctions
If you need to get in touch with our caretakers, or want to report a technical problem in your residence, you can submit your request online. Go to bolig.sit.no, log in to My page and select Contact us - Contact caretaker.
Services and fees
An overview of the most common services and fees
Moving, switching, subletting
Read more about moving between student villages and housings and how to sublet
Challenges as a resident
Do you find living in a shared kitchen to be challenging? Is cooperating with you neighbour difficult? Are you worried about someone you live with? Contact bomiljo@sit.no and we will help you.