Frode Rinnans veg student village
This student village consists of 102 small, cozy terrace houses with their own entrance and garden patch, where two and two students share kitchen and bathroom. The low houses with turfed roofs give the student village a rustic feel.

Resident information
The mailboxes are located by the «tunnels».
Internet is included in your rent.
Read more about Sit's Internet service
Waste disposal
You can find waste disposal stations at the big parking lot in Brøsetvegen 159 B, and Frode Rinnans veg 101.
There is a recycling station for dangerous waste and glass and metal at the parking lot next to Bregnevegen 65 at Moholt student village. If you need help disposing of large items, you can request assistance from the maintenance department by logging on to and choosing Report defect from the menu.
Storage room
Each shared kitchen has access to its own storage room. Entrance from the "tunnels" or the end of the buildings. You access the storage rooms with your room key.
You are not allowed to store any items in the common ares outside your storage room. Anything left in the common areas will be removed and thrown away without prior notice.
There are a limited number of parking spaces availble (see map). As a resident you can apply for renting a parking space in the Moholt area. You can only park at designated areas. You will be fined by Trondheim municipality's parking authority (Trondheim Parkering) if you park without permission.
Bicycle parking
Bicycles can be parked in outdoor bicycle racks. Bicycles can also be stored in your storage room, but not in any common areas indoors.
Make sure that your bicycle is labeled with a valid bicycle sticker. You can get these stickers in the reception or by contacting the resident assistants.
The laundry is located in Moholt allmenning 10 at Moholt student village.
Felles informasjon for alle studentboligene
Skader, feil og mangler
Ønsker du å kontakte din vaktmester eller har behov for å varsle om teknisk feil i boligen, benyttes et eget skjema. Gå til, logg inn på Min side og velg Kontakt oss - Kontakt vaktmester.
Flytte, bytte, fremleie
Les mer om flytting mellom studentbyer og -boliger, og muligheten til å fremleie boligen din
Tjenester og gebyrer
Oversikt over tilleggstjenester og gebyrer
Utfordringer i hverdagen
Opplever du utfordringer ved å bo i kollektiv? Er det vanskelig å samarbeide med naboen? Er du bekymret for noen du bor sammen med? Ta kontakt på, så hjelper vi deg.