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Gutta prater (The boys chat)

Mastery course

Do you find it hard to talk about things that are happening in your life? Gutta prater (The boys chat) is a free conversation group where you can discuss life’s ups and downs together with fellow male students. The topics of conversation are decided by the group.

Course information

  • Duration: Five afternoons

  • Places: 10

  • Price: Free of charge. A no-show fee of NOK 400 will be applied if you fail to attend without notice.

Each group meets five afternoons (every other week) throughout the semester and is led by a counselor from Sit. Registration applies to all sessions.

Examples of topics the group can discuss include:

  • Self-care
  • Stress management
  • Friendships and relationships
  • Loneliness and exclusion
  • Coping with student life

These are just suggestions, and the specific discussion topics will be determined collectively by the group.

Everyone who signs up will have an individual preliminary meeting with Roar, where you can ask any questions you may have and find out if this is right for you.

Course leaders

  • Roar har gått lektorutdanningen ved NTNU, med kroppsøving og idrettsvitenskap som hovedfag. I tillegg har Roar lang erfaring fra studentfrivilligheten i både Oslo og Trondheim, blant annet gjennom linjeforeninger, Under Dusken og Studentdemokratiet ved NTNU. Roar har ansvaret for foreningskursene og jobber tett med studentfrivilligheten for Sit.
